I've often heard an analogy comparing life to a rollercoaster. Everybody has low points, but also high points; there are times when its moving a little slower, and times when it seems to speed by; times when we feel a little sick and times when we feel exhilarated; times where life forces us into our seat and times where we throw our hands up with a light and free feeling.
In my time here in New York, I have seen this cycle time and time again. Looking back at all the ups and downs, it has made me almost excited when I hit a down point, because I know that God is preparing the next high point for me in my life. Because of my knowledge about how God works in our lives, and because I am trying to do all that I can, I can look forward with an eye of faith and hope for God's promises to be fulfilled.
The first few times the rollercoaster of life plummeted, I was shocked. "I'm doing everything I'm supposed to," I thought, "I'm keeping the commandments. I'm giving my time, energy, all that I have to God, and trying to live like Christ did when he was on the earth. So why aren't things going well all the time?" One of the conclusions I have come to is that life cannot be free of trials all the time. One of the main purposes of this life is to learn, grow, and gain experience, and that cannot happen without opposition. However, what I have come to realize is that for someone who is seeking to know God, who is seeking to live the way that Christ taught, you can never stay down for very long. We need to take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad, and remember that every time we are down, God is getting ready to pick us back up.
I have had a couple times during my mission where I have felt like there wasn't many people who wanted to listen to the word of God, learn, and progress, and that despite my best efforts people weren't accepting what I know to be the true word of God. However, directly after each time, as we recommit ourselves we are blessed with people to teach who would like to listen and learn, who want to change and be better and come unto Christ. Not only that, we are blessed with happiness and find joy in being the Lord's messengers here on the earth.
Although its comforting to hear that no matter how dark our situation appears now that its going to get better, do we really have to wait for things to pick up again to be happy? Are we going to let our happiness and our personal quality of life be determined by factors that we can't control?
Though I've heard all these analogies comparing life and a rollercoaster, the one I don't hear very much that I like the best is life is fun! Would you believe me if I said we can be happy and grateful even in the most awful trial we've ever been through? One of our modern day apostles, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, in his talk "Of Regrets and Resolutions" in 2012 said:
"We shouldn't wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect. “This is the day which the Lord hath made … ,” the Psalmist wrote. “Rejoice and be glad in it.”
Brothers and sisters, no matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it."
This is one of the principles that I have strived to live by these last few years of my life. A few years ago I realized that I was simply not happy, and I didn't know why. It was then that I realized that being happy is a choice, not a consequence! Having a good day is a conscious decision to make today a great day; its the realization that God is there, that he loves us, is supporting us and is with us, blessing us in every minute of every day.
If you don't believe me, try it. For one whole day try to recognize every single good thing that happens and ignore the bad, and note every single thing you're grateful for (bed when you wake up in the morning, computer to read random blogs, food to eat, clothes to wear, eyes to read this, etc.) Make your prayers only prayers of gratitude, and try to find opportunities to help others. I promise if you'll do this for one day, it will be the best day you've had in a long time. Nothing will have changed; only your attitude, and your recognition of God's hand in your life, and that will make all the difference.
I testify that as we become more aware of God's hand in our lives and look forward with an eye of faith and hope to all of his promises being fulfilled, we will experience more joy in this life. We will find more purpose in everything we do and have desires to serve our fellow-man. I thank God so much for the opportunity that I have to be in this beautiful world that God created for me and for each one of us, and I am going to continue living every day accordingly, and I would challenge you to do the same. Go, and make today a great day!
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